10 Eylül 2016 Cumartesi

Sagittarius Love Compatibility: Sagittarius Sign Compatibility Guide!

Sagittarius Love Compatibility: Sagittarius Sign Compatibility Guide!

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Sagittarius people tend to be extremely independent and are often drawn to the thrill of adventure. Furthermore they have an easy time adjusting to change however it can be difficult for people to enter into a relationship with a Sagittarius because they are so fond of their independence.

In this short but informative video about Sagittarius love compatibility with other signs we’ll go over what signs are compatible with Sagittarius as well as which signs aren’t.

What Is Sagittarius Compatible With?

Sagittarius and Aries compatibility is extremely high as they are both freethinkers who have a thirst for adventure. At first Sagittarius may try to assert their independence but Aries tends to push these reservations to the back of their mind after a while.

Sagittarius and Leo compatibility is also high as they both have a tonne of energy and love for life.

Signs Compatible With Sagittarius *Sometimes*…

Aquarius and Sagitarrius can sometimes work well together as they also both love independence and freedom though sometimes they can have a little too much in common which can turn the relationship sour.

Libra and Sagittarius compatibility can also be quite high since they both like to have fun though it can also go astray should the Sagittarius feel that the Libra is being too much of a pushover.

Cancer and Sagittarius compatibility is also decent and they both tend to invest themselves a lot into the start of a relationship. However it’s also possible with these two for the passion to dwindle after the first few months.

Signs That Are Not Compatible With Sagittarius (Usually)…

Sagittarius and Scorpio compatibility is low as Scorpios usually don’t have the trust or patience to enter into the kind of long term relationship that a Sagittarius will often require.

Taurus and Sagittarius compatibility is also low as Taurus has a fierce possessive quality that Sagittarius people usually cannot handle for very long.

Virgo and Sagittarius compatibility is also low as Virgo can be extremely critical turning the Sagittarius person off them.

And finally Capricorn is also a bad match for a Sagittarius in the same way that a Virgo is since they can be simply too critical and pessimistic for a Sagittarius person.
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