10 Eylül 2016 Cumartesi

Ophiuchus Personality ~ Amazing Insights ~ (13th Zodiac Sign)

Ophiuchus Personality ~ Amazing Insights ~ (13th Zodiac Sign)

Part 3 – Ophiuchus & The Serpent Snake – The 13th Zodiac Sign – Traits/Personality Forecast.

Ophiuchus is not a Myth, it is intimately associated with the two-part constellation of Serpens, whose head and tail lies to either side of it.

The figure of a man holding a snake has been seen since Roman times as Asclepius, the God of healing, who traditionally carried a staff with a serpent twined around it.

The effects of precession mean that the ecliptic now passes through it and the Moon and Planets can often be seen here.

The video includes photos of the Binary Star System Rho Ophiuchi and Globular Cluster in Ophiuchus.

Ophiuchus – The Serpent Bearer – The Seducer – The 13th sign of The Zodiac. .

‘The One Who Brings About Change’

Thank you for watching.


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